Role: concept & art direction Client: Dr. Oetker Agency: Nickelodeon
(‘Hip, hip hooray, let’s make an excuse for a baking party everyday’)
Goal: To engage kids between the ages of 4 and 12 to use home baking products for cakes and cookies & to link fun, warmth and cosiness to the Dr. Oetker and Koopmans brands.
Goal: To engage kids between the ages of 4 and 12 to use home baking products for cakes and cookies & to link fun, warmth and cosiness to the Dr. Oetker and Koopmans brands.
Insight: Small moments to celebrate become festive moments to bake
Concept: Everyday life is full of little moments to celebrate. Like the neighbours finding back their lost cat, getting a new tooth or a good grade for arithmetic. In other words, you can always come up with an excuse to have a party and bake something. Kids could play several different games on a microsite dedicated to the baking excuses theme. If they were able to get the highscore, they could qualify for a place in the SuperNick TV show and bake together with the presenters.
Finalist for the ‘Gouden Apenstaart’, the award for best children’s website of The Netherlands. Finalist for the Branded Content Award. The campaign reached around 90% of the target group.
The microsite had 193.401 unique visitors and the game was played 614.111 times
Finalist for the ‘Gouden Apenstaart’, the award for best children’s website of The Netherlands. Finalist for the Branded Content Award. The campaign reached around 90% of the target group.
The microsite had 193.401 unique visitors and the game was played 614.111 times