In 2013, Houthoff Buruma asked Taco Zuidema, Huib Maaskant and Ruby Lemm, from Ruby's Glue, to work on their recruitment campaign. We worked in a small team directly for this client.
Challenge: Help law students to prepare themselves effectively for their most important day in their career:
the day of the application interview.
Solution: Create a brand new starting point for law graduates. You’re about to graduate as an lawyer
and you want to work for one of the big firms. Where do you start? At The Big Interview! This site compares the selection procedure and most important criteria form the seven biggest law firms in Amsterdam. Each step of the procedure has been illustrated as a floor. Each floor comes with relevant tips, such as what to wear, how to write a killer resume, how to make a good impression. Law firm Houthoff Buruma took this initiative to strike a chord with „high potentials” and to establish their brand in a new way.
Finalist Webby Awards, the „Oscars for the internet” voted as one of the five best in the world in its category
Finalist Webby Awards, the „Oscars for the internet” voted as one of the five best in the world in its category
Gouden Bef 2013 (publieksprijs beste werving advokatuur)

Key visual with the big seven.

Choose an office.

The first step of the procedure.

Illustrations enhance the story of each step.

Everywhere you will find useful tips and videos or text.

The offices can be compared in detail.

Every office shows how your career can look like.

Other media

At the day of the photo shoot the client didn't agree on all situations. So I did a lot of extra sketches and situations for the photographer. Together with designer Maarten Versteege we created 7- 3D environments of
the offices. Collage technique's are then used to fill the settings and sharpen the overall style & concept for example the posters at ground level.

Additional credits: Design & Artwork: Maarten Versteege Digital production: Client Houthoff Buruma: Florine Keijzer